While a custody decision is often based on your past actions and relationship with your children, that doesn’t mean your present actions won’t affect the outcome. Divorce is one of those [...]
Between 1989 and 2012, the number of stay-at-home fathers nearly doubled, and that number continues to rise today. Fathers are staying at home for three main reasons: 1) they suffer from an [...]
As stores bring out their holiday merchandise and kids start to make their lists and craft their costumes, divorcing parents can feel more overwhelmed than ever. This is particularly true if you [...]
If you are going through a divorce or child custody dispute, you have probably heard the phrase best interests of the child. Like you, courts consider your child’s safety, happiness and [...]
A “final” child custody order may be signed by a court in Utah but that does not mean it cannot be changed. The law recognizes that sometimes there is a need to change an existing child custody [...]